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C E L E B R A T I N G 
W O M E N ' S   V O I C E S
  S I N C E   2 0 1 0 


about our director

D r  K e r r y  B o y l e

Dr Kerry Boyle is a singing teacher, choral director, arranger, researcher, lecturer and author based in Canterbury, Kent. She has experience in a range of professional roles in music from performance and ensemble direction to lecturing, researching, arranging and examining. As a vocal coach and choral director, she has worked with adult choirs, school and college choirs, youth choirs, children’s choirs, theatre companies and chamber ensembles as well as a range of community choirs and groups in specific institutional and health care settings. Kerry currently works as a lecturer, singing teacher, choral director and researcher and coordinates a range of international partnerships and collaborations involving choirs and musicians.

Kerry photo (headshot).JPG

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